The Twelve Laws of Change of the Infinite Universe
Walter Russell
- One Infinity manifests itself into complementary and antagonistic tendencies, yin and yang, in its endless change.
- Yin and yang are manifested continuously from the eternal movement of one infinite universe.
- Yin represents centrifugality. Yang represents centripetality. Yin and yang together produce energy and all phenomena.
- Yin attracts yang. Yang attracts yin.
- Yin repels yin. Yang repels yang.
- Yin and yang combined in varying proportions produce different phenomena. The attraction and repulsion among phenomena is proportional to the difference of yin and yang forces.
- All phenomena are ephemeral, constantly changing their constitution of yin and yang forces; yin changes into yang, yang changes into yin.
- Nothing is solely yin or solely yang. Everything is composed of both tendencies in varying degrees.
- There is nothing neuter. Either yin or yang is in excess in every occurence.
- Large yin attracts small yin. Large yang attracts small yang.
- Extreme yin produces yang, and extreme yang produces yin.
- All physical manifestations are yang at the center, and yin at the surface.
Original: WalterRussell: The Universal One